Five Happy Things


Photo by Bowside Knits

  1.  I cast on another birthday gift. This dress, for an 18″ doll, will hopefully make for a happy birthday girl, as well as expand the wardrobe of her American Girl doll. Bonus: I had the yarn in my stash!
  2. Working on a new hat pattern. It is thick and warm and covers my ears. Definitely the warmest hat I’ve ever had on my head. I had to set it down while I waited to get the right sized needles for finishing and now I can’t wait to get back to it. It will be a great gift hat for anyone living in cold climate, as well as a perfect charity knit.
  3. Alphabet soup from Bob’s Red Mill. It makes a quick and entertaining dinner that everyone likes.
  4. Playdough. There has been a lot of playdough play around here lately. I like spending time creating something only to squash it back into an unrecognizable lump. It is rather cathartic!
  5. Little Free Libraries. There are a couple of these tiny libraries in my neighborhood now and I love peaking in to see what books they offer. This week we took two books and left four. Check out this map to find a Little Free Library in your neighborhood.

The Ribband

Some time ago I bought a Ribband kit from the talented designer Laurie Nelkin. I worked on it for a while but had a hard time getting in the groove (I was going through a period of parental sleep deprivation that made the beads and tiny needles a little hard to focus on!). Recently I picked it back up and it flew off the needles. I loved working with the beads and it made the perfect birthday gift. The kit came with plenty of yarn and beads, a bead threader, the clasp, and a small bag to organize it all (and re-use as a gift bag). The directions are well-written and easy to follow. Wear it as a necklace or bracelet, it is definitely versatile. I look forward to knitting up more of Laurie Nelkin’s designs!

Best stitches~